August 31, 2023

Cryptocurrency and the IRS: Navigating New Reporting Requirements

On a recent Friday, the Biden administration unveiled plans that might change the cryptocurrency landscape significantly. These proposed rules aim to make cryptocurrency brokers more transparent by mandating them to report digital asset sales and exchanges to the IRS and, importantly, to their users.

As crypto tax evasion becomes a growing concern for regulators, such measures are meant to simplify the tax filing process for taxpayers, leveling the playing field. “This initiative is a step toward narrowing the tax gap, mitigating the risks of tax evasion with digital assets, and promoting a uniform set of rules across the board,” expressed the Treasury Department.

A significant highlight from the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was the increased tax reporting requirements imposed on crypto brokers and the need to define which firms actually fit the ‘crypto broker’ description. The recent proposals shed light on this, labeling digital trading platforms, specific wallet providers, and payment processors as brokers.

Starting from 2026 (which accounts for 2025 sales and exchanges), these crypto brokers will furnish both the IRS and digital asset holders with Form 1099-DA, a move set to simplify tax preparation. Digital assets like Bitcoin, NFTs, and even some real estate purchases made with crypto will be governed by this rule. The Treasury believes this would streamline the process for users to report their crypto holdings and transactions accurately.

However, the crypto landscape is diverse, and opinions on this proposal vary. Sen. Elizabeth Warren commented that while this is a move in the right direction, it doesn’t quite hit the mark. “We need robust regulations to thwart tax evaders from capitalizing on digital assets, and we expected a more comprehensive proposal,” Warren remarked.

There’s also a debate brewing about the proposed definition of ‘broker’. While the exemption of transaction validators like miners is seen as a positive, many believe that the definition might be too expansive. Ji Kim from the Crypto Council for Innovation voiced concerns, saying, “The current definition might unintentionally include entities that simply cannot adhere to these rules.”

The Blockchain Association, which has actively engaged with legislative matters related to crypto, emphasizes the importance of a well-thought-out approach. Kristin Smith, the CEO, shared, “While it’s paramount that digital asset transactions are taxed appropriately, it’s equally vital to understand that the crypto world isn’t the same as traditional finance. Any rules applied need to be fashioned keeping this uniqueness in mind.”

As the crypto world watches closely, it’s clear that a balanced approach is essential. Tailoring these regulations to both ensure compliance and foster innovation will be a challenge worth undertaking.

For more information or if you have questions, feel free to reach out to us.