Cryptocurrency and the IRS: Navigating New Reporting Requirements

On a recent Friday, the Biden administration unveiled plans that might change the cryptocurrency landscape significantly. These proposed rules aim to make cryptocurrency brokers more transparent by mandating them to report digital asset sales and exchanges to the IRS and, importantly, to their users.

As crypto tax evasion becomes a growing concern for regulators, such measures are meant to simplify the tax filing process for taxpayers, leveling the playing field. "This initiative is a step toward narrowing the tax gap, mitigating the risks of tax evasion with digital assets, and promoting a uniform set of rules across the board," expressed the Treasury Department.

A significant highlight from the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was the increased tax reporting requirements imposed on crypto brokers and the need to define which firms actually fit the 'crypto broker' description. The recent proposals shed light on this, labeling digital trading platforms, specific wallet providers, and payment processors as brokers.

Starting from 2026 (which accounts for 2025 sales and exchanges), these crypto brokers will furnish both the IRS and digital asset holders with Form 1099-DA, a move set to simplify tax preparation. Digital assets like Bitcoin, NFTs, and even some real estate purchases made with crypto will be governed by this rule. The Treasury believes this would streamline the process for users to report their crypto holdings and transactions accurately.

However, the crypto landscape is diverse, and opinions on this proposal vary. Sen. Elizabeth Warren commented that while this is a move in the right direction, it doesn't quite hit the mark. "We need robust regulations to thwart tax evaders from capitalizing on digital assets, and we expected a more comprehensive proposal," Warren remarked.

There's also a debate brewing about the proposed definition of 'broker'. While the exemption of transaction validators like miners is seen as a positive, many believe that the definition might be too expansive. Ji Kim from the Crypto Council for Innovation voiced concerns, saying, "The current definition might unintentionally include entities that simply cannot adhere to these rules."

The Blockchain Association, which has actively engaged with legislative matters related to crypto, emphasizes the importance of a well-thought-out approach. Kristin Smith, the CEO, shared, "While it's paramount that digital asset transactions are taxed appropriately, it's equally vital to understand that the crypto world isn't the same as traditional finance. Any rules applied need to be fashioned keeping this uniqueness in mind."

As the crypto world watches closely, it's clear that a balanced approach is essential. Tailoring these regulations to both ensure compliance and foster innovation will be a challenge worth undertaking.

For more information or if you have questions, feel free to reach out to us.

Why Choose Us: The Perils of Not Vetting Your Tax Preparer

While many of us assume that every tax preparer has credentials to validate their expertise, the reality is that the IRS doesn't necessitate such certifications. It's a bit startling, isn't it? Renowned professionals like CPAs, tax attorneys, and Enrolled Agents endure intensive exams and ongoing education to uphold their credentials. By ensuring that you work with a certified and esteemed tax professional, you can sidestep the menace of "tax preparer fraud."


What is Tax Preparer Fraud?

Tax preparer fraud refers to unethical practices where a tax preparer might deliberately miscalculate a taxpayer's return to promise a bigger refund, divert parts of a client's refund to their account, or claim false deductions and credits. This can place taxpayers at risk for significant IRS penalties, interest, and, at times, legal prosecution.


The Unraveling of Jessica’s Tax Nightmare

Take, for example, the harrowing experience of Jessica, a dedicated hairdresser. In her cozy home, she operated a one-chair studio, diligently complying with every IRS guideline. Jessica’s financial life was straightforward: a separate bank account for her business, a W2-earning husband, and two beautiful children. Trusting family recommendations, she hired a tax preparer year after year, never delving too deeply into the returns he provided. But then, an unexpected knock on her door changed everything. An IRS agent stood there, unfolding a tale of exaggerated expenses spanning three years. Not only had the preparer claimed Jessica's small salon space, but also a considerable part of her home and some irrelevant storage sheds. Alarmingly, many of these inflated business expenses didn't align with Jessica's bank records.

Further complicating matters was the IRS’s note that these returns were marked as "self-prepared." Thankfully, Jessica's meticulous record-keeping, specifically her check payments to the preparer, became her saving grace. The agent, discerning Jessica's genuine ignorance, refrained from levying additional penalties. As the investigation unfolded, the so-called "professional" was a police officer moonlighting as a tax preparer, who had illicitly partnered with an Electronic Return Originator (ERO) to electronically file these returns.


The Role of an ERO and the Risks They Pose

An Electronic Return Originator (ERO) is an entity authorized by the IRS to e-file tax returns on behalf of taxpayers. While EROs can be a legitimate and efficient way to file taxes, if they are in cahoots with dishonest tax preparers, the implications can be dire, as Jessica found out.


Verifying Your Tax Professional’s Credentials: The IRS Preparer Directory

To avoid such pitfalls, taxpayers are urged to use the IRS Preparer Directory. This comprehensive tool allows you to verify the standing of tax professionals and ensure they hold valid credentials.


The Prestige of Enrolled Agents: America's Tax Experts

As the pinnacle of tax expertise, Enrolled Agents undergo stringent IRS testing and mandatory continuing education. Recognized for their vast knowledge on taxation, they are adept in handling diverse tax situations, ensuring your returns are accurate, optimized, and compliant.


In Conclusion: Protect Yourself, Choose Wisely

Jessica's ordeal underscores the imperative of meticulous vetting. By opting for credentialed professionals like us, you not only ensure peace of mind but also safeguard your financial future. Always remember: When it comes to taxes, it's better to be safe than sorry.

The 529-to-Roth Switch: A Game-Changer in College Savings

A common conundrum most parents face is whether to dive into Section 529 college savings programs (often simply known as 529 plans). The big worry? They aren’t certain if their little ones will strut off to college or snag scholarships that will take care of the bills. But a recent legislative move is looking to quell those concerns.

What's the Big News?

Introduced in the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022, Section 126 is the new kid on the block. Starting from 2024, this rule lets you effortlessly shift those unused 529 college funds right into Roth IRAs. In simple terms, this means any college savings left untouched can smoothly transition into retirement savings - and guess what, the tax boogeyman won’t touch it.

The Backstory

Before this shiny new rule, if your kid graduated and there were still dollars left in the 529, you had a pretty limited playbook:

  • Hand over the cash to another family member.
  • Use up to $10k to tackle student loans.
  • Or, pull out the money and potentially get a surprise from the taxman.

Many families, playing it cautious, chose other less tax-friendly avenues.

Why This Change is a Breath of Fresh Air

The aim of this 529-to-Roth maneuver is simple. It wants to make families more at ease with investing early in a 529 plan, without the constant worry of overstepping and ending up with tax hitches. However, (and there's always a 'however', isn't there?) there are certain strings attached:

  • You can transfer up to $35,000 over your lifetime.
  • The 529 account needs to be at least 15 years mature.
  • No shifting of recent contributions or their growth (from the past five years).
  • And, always keep an eye on the annual Roth IRA contribution limits.

Real Talk: Margo’s Scenario

To paint a clearer picture, let's walk in Margo's shoes. With a 529 set up in 2000 and continuous contributions till her graduation in 2022, she found herself with a chunky $33k still sitting there. Enter 2024 and our new rule. Margo can now start migrating that money into her Roth IRA, bit by bit, each year, provided she stays within the Roth IRA's yearly limits.

There are a few curveballs to keep in mind, of course. Like if Margo decides to add to her Roth herself or if she earns a limited amount in a particular year. Also, the age of her 529 account and recent contributions can play a role in when and how much she can transfer.

Bottom Line

In the labyrinth of saving and planning for a child's educational future, the 529-to-Roth switch might just be that secret passage you were looking for. It’s more than just flexibility – it’s giving families the assurance to save without the looming cloud of “what if?”.

So, here's to making informed choices, maximizing savings, and ensuring our kids (and our retirement) get the best! Until next time, happy saving!

Navigating the End of the Federal Moratorium: What Borrowers Need to Know Now

The clock is ticking. After a series of extensions due to Covid-19 relief measures, the federal moratorium on the massive $1.6 trillion student loan debt is set to lapse on August 31, 2023. This temporary halt, which began in March 2020, brought a brief respite to the 44 million Americans owing this debt. With interest slated to start accumulating from September 1, borrowers must brace themselves and act promptly.

A noteworthy point of confusion stems from the servicing of loans. During the moratorium, nearly 30 million borrowers have been transitioned to new loan servicers. Couple that with the frequent relocations younger demographics make, there’s a palpable chance your loan servicer may not possess your updated address. To streamline this, borrowers should visit the Department of Education's to update contact details. Ensuring your loan servicer has accurate, up-to-date information can save you from future complications.

Moreover, borrowers should take proactive steps to get their repayment mechanisms in place. Those who had previously set up automatic deductions from their checking accounts will need to reinstate this feature. If you’re pursuing the Public Service Loan Forgiveness, aim to confirm your eligible job status before year-end. Being proactive could lead to substantial savings, especially if you aren’t currently enlisted in the optimal repayment plan for your circumstances.

The diverse range of federal repayment strategies, including the recently introduced SAVE plan, might be overwhelming, but it’s crucial to find one that suits your financial landscape. The SAVE plan, an improvement upon its predecessor, the REPAYE plan, brings several benefits for borrowers, especially in how payments are calculated based on income. But remember, while plans like SAVE may offer lowered monthly payments, they might extend your loan term, affecting your long-term financial strategy.

The shift towards repayment, especially after the moratorium, can be daunting, especially for recent graduates. Yet, amidst the intricacies, there’s hope in the form of relief initiatives and employer-backed programs. Exploring these opportunities, like employer contributions to student loans or potential 401(k) matches equivalent to loan payments, can offer considerable relief. As the end of the moratorium looms, it's crucial for borrowers to educate themselves, align with the changes, and make informed decisions to navigate this financial landscape.

Progressive Taxation: The Path to Public Services

In 2022, Massachusetts made a bold move by introducing a 4% tax on earnings above $1 million. This tax is anticipated to funnel $1 billion into the state's record 2024 fiscal budget of $56.2 billion. The result? Every public-school student in Massachusetts will now have access to free breakfast and lunch.

Similarly, states like Maine are contemplating progressive taxation as a means to bolster their public services. Imagine if Maine, inspired by Massachusetts, chose to adopt a 3% excise tax on its wealthiest residents. Given Maine's economic profile and the income distribution of its residents, a conservative estimate might suggest that such a tax could generate upwards of $300 million annually. This hypothetical revenue is based on Maine's different economic scale compared to Massachusetts and assumes that there is a substantial number of high earners to tap into.

If Maine were to follow in Massachusetts' footsteps by allocating a significant portion of this revenue towards education, the state could potentially offer free meals in public schools, upgrade educational infrastructure, or even reduce student-teacher ratios by hiring more educators. With the remaining funds, Maine could address other pressing needs like transportation, healthcare, or sustainable energy projects.

WCVB has reported that Massachusetts has already earmarked $523 million for educational initiatives and reserved another $477 million for transportation from their new tax revenue. If Maine, with its projected $300 million from the hypothetical 3% tax, were to distribute funds similarly, nearly $158 million could go towards education, and around $142 million could support transportation and infrastructure projects.

On the national scene, President Joe Biden's push for his billionaires' tax proposal further underscores the growing momentum for progressive taxation. Unlike the income-driven taxes in Massachusetts and the hypothetical one in Maine, this national proposal targets wealth, specifically households valued over $100 million. With the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act, corporations raking in over $1 billion are now subject to a 15% minimum tax. This shifting landscape suggests a new era where states, inspired by the likes of Massachusetts, could adopt progressive tax structures to better serve their citizens and address pressing public needs.

Unraveling the Phenomenon of Tax Protestors: A Case Study on 'We the People'

The Rise and Persistence of Tax Protestor Movements

Tax protestor movements have been a fixture in the U.S. socio-political landscape for several decades. Advocating for various interpretations of the tax code, these groups challenge the legality of certain types of taxation. One of the most controversial among them is the challenge to the constitutionality of the income tax.

The Historical Roots of Tax Protests

The roots of tax protests trace back to colonial America. The famous "No taxation without representation" slogan that echoed during the American Revolution was one of the earliest manifestations of discontent against taxation. However, modern tax protestor movements differ significantly in their motives and methods.

In the 20th century, with the adoption of the Sixteenth Amendment—which allows Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states—discontent began to brew among certain segments of the population. Some believed the amendment was either not legally ratified or did not apply as broadly as the government interpreted it.

Prominent Tax Protestor Groups: "We the People" and Beyond

Among the many groups that emerged, "We the People" stands out. Its belief that income tax violates constitutional rights has gained a significant following, albeit not without legal challenges. Robert L. Schulz, the founder, came to prominence when he filed a lawsuit against the federal government, which was later dismissed by the courts. His arguments, like many before and after him, were deemed "frivolous."

However, "We the People" is just the tip of the iceberg. Over the years, several other groups and individuals have posited various arguments against the legality of income tax. Some claim that the tax code only applies to certain types of income, while others assert that paying taxes is entirely voluntary.

Legal Responses and Ramifications

While these groups may seem persuasive to some, they have yet to achieve a legal victory. Courts have consistently upheld the constitutionality and legality of the income tax. The Department of Justice has been explicit about the consequences of tax evasion, including substantial fines and possible imprisonment.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has labeled many of the arguments from these groups as "frivolous" and has a dedicated section on its website debunking popular tax protestor myths.

The Way Forward

While the grievances of tax protestors highlight a broader discontent with the tax system, it's essential to approach the topic with a clear understanding of legal facts. Engaging in tax evasion based on erroneous beliefs can have severe consequences.

Instead of being swayed by these movements, individuals should explore legitimate avenues to address their tax concerns. There are numerous legal strategies and provisions in the tax code that can help reduce tax burdens when applied correctly. Consulting with tax professionals, staying informed about legislative changes, and participating in civic dialogues about tax reforms are proactive and risk-free ways to address tax-related concerns.

For more detailed information on tax laws and advice, contact us at (207) 888-8800.